My Stocks

CAT: misc


Price Trending

Trending function is a unique feature we don't find in other tools. The idea is: if I could rank the stock's performance, how to see this performance changes over time? If ranking was a snapshot in time based on the latest data available, trending now introduced a time line which makes the comparison much interesting.

Trending Values

We provide trending on these indexes:

Value Description
Gainer positive daytime return %
Loser negative daytime return %
Volume reported volume/share outstanding
Volatility (high-low)/low
Last Lower see stock trend
Next Better see stock trend

User can set a date range by changing the end date (default to TODAY), and how far back he wants to go (default to 1 week).

Trending controls

Top Ranks

Top ranks show ranks of each day based on selected value index and the time period. There are two types of view we provide: a static/matrix view, and a race chart.

Matrix view

The matrix view shows the ranks in a grid. Each column represents a date. Dates are arranged in order with …